Thank you for choosing to support Name on our national Day of Giving!
Our fundraising goal this year is $3,000, which helps us:
St. Francis and his friars went out on the roadside asking for alms to fund their work. That is what we need to do to continue to be your Franciscan voice in Washington. Just like him, we are in solidarity with the poor and marginalized, we care for creation and raise consciousness on the need to hear “the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”
Help us reach our goal with your donation today!
We know you could have given to any number of organizations on this special day of giving,
so we want to send our deepest thanks to you for choosing Name! Your support means so much!
We would LOVE it if you could let your friends and loved ones know about
your support of our work by sharing this via social media using the links below!